3-Minutes to Better Technology

IaaS: What is the DIY of cloud service models all about?

In 3-minutes, we define the IaaS service model and its benefits. As long as you bring your infrastructure architecture and software application design "A" game, your organization can reap the benefits. However, like other cloud service models, IaaS has its challenges. Watch the video for tips on how to navigate them.
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Is your organization ready for the right cloud strategy?

The right cloud strategy is a game-changer for organizations that want to leverage the full potential and power of the cloud. We can help you formulate a strategy that aligns your objectives with business successes. optimizes workload placement, and architects sustainable, cost-effective solutions.
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Cloud blogs

Check out our latest thinking on getting cloud right.

Cloud cost optimization: 10 ways to save

Where can you find cost savings to make your cloud investment deliver on their potential? Learn 10 ways to optimize and save.

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Should all workloads move to the cloud?

In the beginning, the cloud was the ultimate end goal. Times have changed. The right answer is to place workloads where they satisfy business demands.

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Why you need to do complete IT discovery before cloud migrations.

Avoid running into issues during cloud migrations by following a proven method for conducting complete IT discovery.

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